The right price for you, whoever you are

Unlock the full potential of your server support by upgrading to premium.

Free Tier


The perfect plan if you're just getting started with ticketeer.

Invite Ticketeer


as low as

$4.58 /month

Unleash the full potential of Ticketeer to make your server exceptional and outclass the competition.

Purchase Premium

Basic Tier

    • 🧡 Thread Tickets
    • 🌐 Public Thread Tickets
    • πŸ“ Channel Tickets
    • 🚦 Ticket Priorities
    • πŸ“œ Ticket Transcripts
    • ⭐️ Ticket Ratings
    • πŸ”’ Ticket Locking
    • 🏷️ Ticket Assigning & Calming
    • πŸ“š Ticket Activity Logs

Premium Tier

    • πŸ•’ Ticket Availability Schedule
    • πŸ“‹ Ticket Forms
    • πŸ“ Feedback Forms
    • ⏳ Auto Close Tickets
    • 🏷️ Ticket Channel Naming Automation
    • πŸ“‚ Ticket Category Automation
    • πŸšͺ Close Ticket on Leave
    • πŸ€– Automatic Transcripts
    • 🚫 Remove Branding
    • πŸ–ŠοΈ Advanced Message Editor
Highly Customizable
Craft each reply with a personal touch. Our customization options ensure every message resonates with your unique brand voice and user needs.
Feedback Form
Gather valuable insights with our sleek feedback forms. Designed for simplicity, they encourage users to share their thoughts effortlessly.
Ticket Form
Streamline support with ticket forms that are as detailed or as simple as you need. Tailored to gather the right information right from the start.
Buttons & Dropdown
Enhance user interaction with stylish buttons and dropdowns. Customize them to fit the look and feel of your server seamlessly
Easy to Use Editor
Simplify content creation with an editor that’s intuitive and user-friendly, making message customization a breeze for anyone on your team.
Ticket Transcripts
Keep a detailed record of your support interactions with downloadable transcripts, ensuring you always have the information you need at your fingertips.